Healthcare for All Ohioans (SPAN Ohio) is an all volunteer-run non-profit coalition seeking fundamental health care reform in our state and country. There are many ways to get involved and support our organization - we recognize that there is no one right way to advocate for everybody.
We envision every resident guaranteed full and comprehensive healthcare coverage. We need your help to achieve this!
What can I do?

Why should I get involved?
In 2023, 38% of Americans avoided seeking healthcare due to cost alone. This is despite having access to health insurance through many means: the ACA marketplace, Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, and IHS. It is clear that healthcare remains financially out of reach for many.
Our vision is to see all persons able to obtain to healthcare at no cost at the point of care. We will achieve this by the passage of the Ohio Health Care Plan on a state level, and Medicare for All, nationally. Your action and advocacy will help us to realize this goal: a state and country where no one - NO ONE - has to deny care due to financial limitations.
A note on barriers to care:
Cost and coverage are major barriers for Ohioans accessing healthcare. Universal healthcare would provide universal coverage, but there will still be other obstacles.
We understand that people experience other barriers resulting in healthcare disparities outside of insurance coverage: healthcare system mistrust, language barriers, transportation barriers/availability of care, food insecurity, housing insecurity, and cultural beliefs about Western medical practice, just to name a few. While we know providing health insurance can help to alleviate an obstacle to accessing healthcare, there will still be work to be done to fully eliminate health disparities.