Suggested Reading and Viewing

Books and Articles

Here is a list of our top books and articles to learn about the single payer movement and why it is important.

Healing Politics: A Doctor's Journey into the Heart of Our Political Epidemic

by Abdul El-Sayed (2020)

Obamacare: What's in It for Me?: What Everyone Needs to Know About the Affordable Care Act

by Wendell Potter (2013)

Health Justice Now: Single Payer and What Comes Next

by Timothy Faust (2019)

Single Payer Healthcare Reform: Grassroots Mobilization and the Turn Against Establishment Politics in the Medicare for All Movement

by Lindy S.F. Hern (2020)

Talking About Single Payer - Health Care Equality for America

by James F. Burdik (2016)

Books that discuss specifically the healthcare industry:

Plunder: Private Equity's Plan to Pillage America

Brendan Ballou (2023)

These Are the Plunderers: How Private Equity Runs - and Wrecks - America

by Gretchen Morgenson & Joshua Rosner (2023)


Here is a list of our movies and why we recommend them.

FIX IT, Health Care at the Tipping Point

Why do we love it? The average American family of four incurs an annual healthcare insurance tab of $23,000. In many cases, this astronomical sum doesn't afford them nearly enough coverage for emergency medical care. That's just one of the startling realities presented in Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point, a distressing examination of the country's badly broken healthcare system.

Whether you're a senior citizen, a young and vital member of the workforce, or a business owner
desperate to provide the most basic benefits to your employees, you are not immune from the damages inflicted by these rising costs. The film presents impassioned viewpoints from each of these segments of the population in the United States. (2016)

You can watch the movie at
Also YouTube Chanel:

The Healthcare Movie

Why do we love it? Produced by Canadian/American couple Laurie Simons and Terry Sterrenberg, & narrated by Keifer Sutherland, The Healthcare Movie reveals the personal and emotional impact on Canadians who now have access to universal health care because of the heroism of people who took a stand nearly 50 years ago. It also reveals the continuing struggle in the United States between the fear of government intervention and the right to quality health care for all people. (2011)

Watch here:

Sick Around the World

Why do we love it? FRONTLINE correspondent T.R. Reid examines first-hand the health-care systems of other advanced capitalist democracies -- UK, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, and Taiwan -- to see what tried and tested ideas might help us reform our broken health-care system. (2008)

Watch here:

Interested in learning more?

Explore our literature page for our informational flyers and our Youtube page for past events and speakers!

Our Inclusive Leadership Workshop, hosted December 3, 2024, is also available to our community. Please review the Powerpoint here or the recording here and help lead our organization towards a more a welcoming environment so that everyone in Ohio can advocate for an improved healthcare system.