Bob Krasen’s Columbus Presentation – Read the transcipt

SPAN Ohio Presentation

Bob Krasen

Columbus Plumbers & Pipefitters Hall

January 15, 2017

News about health care in the US is now pretty dismal.

            ACA-Obama Care, Medicaid, Medicare, SCHIP are under direct attack.

            VA – not exempt from privatization

Not a time to become “weak kneed.”

            Hold up a Medicare Card.

This is what SPAN Ohio wants for everyone, a card that enables everyone to get enhanced Medicare, not just at 80%, but without copays, deductibles, out of pocket costs. Health care would be free at the point of delivery. Medicare needs to be enhanced. This means dental and eye care, long term care. You can choose your own doctors. Care can be received from anyone who is a licensed health care provider.

While we are striving to make this happen for Ohioans, we really want it for everyone in the Nation.

Some may say, “It costs too much.” You understand that 31% of health care dollars are spent on administration. 31% that has nothing to do with helping people get better. You know that a hospital has as many people in their accounting departments as it has beds. You know insurers complain that they can take only 20% of premium dollars for administration. You know that the VA saves at least 40% on it drug costs, by negotiating prices and purchasing in bulk. We can actually spend far less on health care while covering everyone, and join the countries all over the world which have had systems in place for years, and spend half of what we do, either per capita or as a measure of GDP.

I do not have a lot of hope about the prospects of this Legislation, as all inclusive and inexpensive as it is, either on a National or State level. As long as law makers are dependent upon the campaign contributions of corporations, i.e. health insurance, PhRMA, and hospital conglomerates, that is whom members of Congress and State Legislators will listen to. It is tragic that the need for health care services cost the American people so much, they receive so little, and many remain excluded all together. Healthcare in the U.S. has come down to the line spoken in an old western film during a train robbery, “Your money or your life.”

To this end, SPAN Ohio is planning a state constitutional amendment –referendum in 2020. We will need every woman and man in the State to accomplish this, talking to friends, collecting signatures, raising money.

Please go to to become a member, and learn more what we are doing.

You can sign a letter today that we will deliver to Senator Portman’s office, or that of your legislators.

You can also Join us on Facebook and Twitter

This is a struggle for our survival…literally.