Campaign Endorsers
Endorsers of the campaign sponsored by Single-Payer Action Network Ohio (SPAN Ohio) to achieve an expanded and improved Medicare for All type health care system in Ohio:
James W. Agna, M.D.
Mary A. Agna, M.D.
American Medical Student Association, Case Western Reserve University
American Medical Student Association, Ohio State University
Gina Angiola, M.D.
Chris Babcock, R.N.
Holly Barrows, M.D.
Barbara T. Baylor, MPH, CHES
Stephen Beck, M.D.
Michael Bissell, M.D., Ph.D, MPH
Renee Bohannon, R.N.
Trudy Bond, Ed.D. (Consulting Psychologist)
Jeanette N. Boraby, R.N., B.S.N.
Michaela Brennan, R.N.
Daniel J. Brustein, M.D.
Brendan T. Carroll, M.D.
Wendy Cicek, M.D.
Pamela K. Cobb, M.D.
Brad Cotton, M.D.
Joseph Daprano, M.D.
Barbara I. Delarwelle, R.N.
Clarence A. DeLima, M.D., D.A.B.P.N., D.P.M.
Teri Dew, R.N.
Cynthia L. Dilauro, M.D.
John Ditraglia, M.D.
Frances Dostal, R.N.
John Egar, M.D., Ph.D.
Gaby El-Khoury, M.D.
Alice Faryna, M.D.
James Foley, L.P.T. (Physical Therapist)
Amasa B. Ford, M.D.
Constance Fox, M.D.
Eric Friess, M.D.
Elizabeth Frost, M.D.
Thomas A. Fuller, M.D.
Edward Goldberger, M.D.
Rakesh Gupta, M.D.
Christopher T. Haas, M.D.
Robert W. Hamilton, M.D., FACP
Eric Hasemeier, D.O.
B. Mark Hess, M.D.
Karl W. Hess, M.D.
Margaret Houlehan, PA-C
Marilyn Huheey, M.D.
Wendy Johnson, M.D.
Erick A. Kauffman, M.D.
Kristopher Keller, DC, DABCO
John H. Kennell, M.D.
Heidi Kreidler, R.D., L.D.
Sophia Kwiatkowski, R.N.
Lorenzo S. Lalli, M.D.
Jerome Liebman, M.D.
Dena Magoulias, M.D.
Jan Maiocco, C.R.N.P., Associate Medical Director
Joy Marshall, M.D.
Charlotte Masserant, R.N.
Catherine Mauser, C.N.M.
Jack Harvey Medalie, M.D., M.P.H.
Edward D. Miller, M.D.
James Misak, M.D.
Susan Louisa Montauk, M.D.
Bill Myers, M.D.
Mary Nichols-Rhodes, L.P.N.
Pamela Oatis, M.D.
Annette Opfermann, R.N.
Mary Ostendorf, R.N.
Clifford Packer, M.D.
Halesh M. Patel, M.D., FACP
Eleni Pelecanos-Matts, M.D.
Brenda Pettus, L.S.W.
Physicians For a National Health Program
Harry W. Pollock, M.D.
Amy Prack, M.D.
Eric Prack, M.D.
Thomas G. Pretlow, M.D.
Patrice Rancour, M.S., R.N., C.S.
George A. Randt, M.D.
M. Edith Rasell, M.D., Ph.D.
Ann B. Reichsman, M.D., Medical Director
Susan Righi, M.D.
Johnie Rose, M.D.
Johnathon Ross, M.D.
Kathleen Ross-Alaolmolki, Ph.D., R.N.
Donald L. Rucknagel, M.D., Ph.D.
Michael Joshua Seidman, M.D.
Gabriel E. Sella, M.D.
Mary Louise Shaw, M.D.
Susan B. Shurin, M.D.
Marcia Silver, M.D.
David E. Smith, M.D.
Gabriel Stanescu, M.D.
Sul Ross Thorward, M.D., F.A.P.A.
Joan E. Trey, M.D.
Laurel A. Twardzik, R.N.
Eugene J. VanLeeuwen, M.D.
Lisa Vantrease, M.D.
Aaron E. Villaba, M.D.
Heather A. Ways, M.D.
Paul Webb, M.D.
Joan B. Webster, M.D.
Cheryl Ermann Weinstein, M.D.
Meredith Weinstein, M.D.
Robert S. Weiss, M.D.
Molly M. White, C.R.N.P.
George L. Wineburgh, M.D.
Anne S. Wise, M.D.
Richard Wyderski, M.D.
American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Ohio Council 8
American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
Local 3360
Asbestos Workers Union Local 3
Ashtabula County AFL-CIO
Ashtabula County AFL-CIO Retirees Council
Boilermakers Local 900
Building Laborers Local 310
Chicago & Midwest Regional Joint Board affiliated with Workers' United
Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council
Cincinnati Federation of Teachers
Cleveland-Akron Allied Printing Trades Council
Communications Workers of America District 4
Coshocton Firefighters IAFF Local 216
Cuyahoga-Medina UAW CAP Council
Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC)
Franklin County AFL-CIO
Graphic Communications Conference/International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 128N
Graphic Communications Conference/International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 508 O-K-I
Graphic Communications Conference/International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 544C
Graphic Communications Conference/International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 546M
Greater Columbus-Franklin County UAW CAP Council
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 160
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 8
International Chemical Workers Union Council/UFCW
National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 385
National Production Workers Union
North Shore Federation of Labor
Ohio Association of Public School Employees, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 419
Ohio Civil Service Employees Association, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 11
Office & Professional Employees International Union Local 1794
Ohio State Legislative Board, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers & Trainmen/Rail Conference IBT
Ohio United Auto Workers Community Action Program (CAP) Council
Ohio Valley Council of Sheet Metal Workers
Operative Plasterers Local 80
Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 50
Portage/Summit United Auto Workers Community Action Program (CAP) Council
Professionals Guild of Ohio American Federation of Teachers Local 1960
Richland County AFL-CIO
Roofers Local 42
Service Employees International Union Local 627
Sheet Metal Workers' Local Union No. 24
Sheet Metal Workers’ Local Union No. 33
SMART Transportation, Ohio State Legislative Board
Toledo Council of Newspaper Unions
Toledo Newspaper and Printing Graphics Union Local No. 27N
Toledo Port Council
United Auto Workers Local 420
United Auto Workers Local 658
United Auto Workers Local 1050
United Auto Workers Local 1250
United Auto Workers Local 2075
United Auto Workers Region 2-B
United Food and Commercial Workers Local 7A
United Food and Commercial Workers Local 17A
United Food and Commercial Workers Local 880
United Food and Commercial Workers Local 911
United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1059
United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1099
United Food and Commercial Workers Ohio Council
United Food and Commercial Workers Region 4
United Steelworkers of America District 1
United Steelworkers of America Local 1375
United Steelworkers of America Local 5724
United Steelworkers of America Local 5760
United Steelworkers of America Local 14964
Utility Workers Union of America Local 270
John Agenbroad, Mayor of Springboro
Brook Park City Council
Sherrod Brown, U.S. Senator
Cleveland City Council
Cleveland Heights City Council
Clinton County Board of Health
Danny Colonna, Brook Park Councilman-at-Large
Columbus City Council
Dayton City Commission
Mike Foley, Ohio State Representative
Green Party of Ohio
Robert F. Hagan, Ohio State Representative
Sandra Stabile Harwood, Ohio State Representative
Mathias H. Heck Jr., Montgomery County Prosecutor
Jefferson Village Council
Dennis Kucinich, U.S. Representative
Lakewood City Council
Debbie Lieberman, Montgomery County Commissioner
Mahoning County Commissioners
Dale Miller, Cuyahoga County Council
Montgomery County Democratic Party
North Olmsted City Council
Ohio Progressive Action Coalition
Ohio State Labor Party
Olmsted Township
Painesville Township Board of Trustees
Portage Democratic Coalition
Progressive Democrats of America, Ohio Chapters
Seven Hills City Council
Michael Skindell, Ohio State Senator
South Euclid City Council
Struthers City Council
Village of Newburgh Heights
Warren City Council
Windham Village Council
Rev. Colin Bossen, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Society of Cleveland
Camus Society
Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent
Christ Episcopal Church Vestry, Dayton, OH
Church of the World, Western Reserve Association
Cincinnati Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice
Cleveland Jobs with Justice
Community Partners for Affordable, Accessible Health Care (CPAAHC)
Consumer & Family Advocacy Council - Franklin County
Contact Center - Ohio Empowerment Coalition
CORE: Concerned Ohio Retired Educators
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Marietta
Rev. Dr. Joseph W. Goetz, Retired, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless
Hard Hatted Women
Justice and Witness Ministries, The United Church of Christ
Warner Mendenhall, Attorney-At-Law
NAACP Cleveland Branch
Northeast Ohio American Friends Service Committee
Northeast Ohio Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign
Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless (NEOCH)
Organize! Ohio
Rev. Dr. John S. Paddock, Rector, Christ Episcopal Church, Dayton
Rev. Gordon S. Price, Rector Emeritus, Christ Episcopal Church, Dayton
RESULTS — Columbus Group
Rev. Richard L. Righter, Pastor Emeritus, Congregation for Reconciliation
Rural Action
Single-Payer Action Network Ohio (SPAN Ohio)
Social Justice Committee, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus
South Park United Methodist Church, Dayton
Rev. Dr. Leslie E. Stansbery, President, Interfaith Association of Central Ohio
Stop Targeting Ohio’s Poor
The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland
The National Poor Peoples Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC)
The Peace With Justice Project
Toledo Area Jobs with Justice Coalition
Toni K. Mcbroom, International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers - Ohio State Council of Machinists - Trustee of Local Lodge 956; union delegate to Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW)
Tri-County Independent Living Center
Universal Health Care Action Network of Ohio (UHCAN Ohio)
Wake Up Ohio
Rev. Maurine C. Waun, Minister, Ohio Valley Unitarian Universalist Congregation
West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church Social Action Committee
Women for Racial and Economic Equality
Women Speak Out for Peace and Justice
Workmen’s Circle Educational Center
Action Septic Service
Advanced Rehab
Bullock's Framing Ltd.
Cleveland Food Co-Op
Dexter City Auction Gallery
Hock's Vandalia Pharmacy
Hood and Hoover Jewelry
Madison Graphics
Mark's Woodworks
McCutcheon Information Services
McFarland's Barbershop
Mosyjowski & Associates Engineers
Nightsweats & T-Cells Co.
Skyview Auction House
The Honey Barn
Touch of Elegance
Turkish Cuisine